End of Term!
Yay, school has finished for the year. The staff at work had one staff development day (SDD) earlier in the year, so they got to finish today. For their SDD, they were each presenting a Quality Teaching project. Now although I trained as a teacher, I've never worked permanently so haven't had to do any presentations like this. My job today developed into assisting the teachers who were using the data projector for their presentation. Our library was the venue & unfortunately isn't the best for presenting via laptop - the connection is at the back of the room. So I got to hit space bar on several powerpoint presentations. One I'd been trying to help with because the videos wouldn't work. Multitasking big time at one stage while trying to keep up with my email on a different laptop. One of the teachers did her whole presentation in Xtranormal - it was really cool. I didn't think to ask her permission to post it, but I will. I spent most of the morning, in...