On the first day of Christmas.......
I got a new crown -- of the dental variety unfortunately. And I know it's not the first day of Christmas, but I thought it sounded catchy on my way home from getting the crown fitted. I have terrible teeth - every available tooth has a filling. My grandmother apparently had all her teeth removed at 14 & my mum at 21 so not good teeth genes.
The tooth in question had root canal well before I moved up here & the dentist has been saying I needed a crown since, well ever since I started going to him. So it wasn't a suprise. As we have private health insurance the cost shouldn't have been a suprise - but there was a stuff up & initially it looked like the crown wasn't covered. Fortunately that got sorted out & although it doesn't cover half of the $1200 price tag it helps a bit. Just not a cost I want to have to deal with at this time of year!!
The tooth in question had root canal well before I moved up here & the dentist has been saying I needed a crown since, well ever since I started going to him. So it wasn't a suprise. As we have private health insurance the cost shouldn't have been a suprise - but there was a stuff up & initially it looked like the crown wasn't covered. Fortunately that got sorted out & although it doesn't cover half of the $1200 price tag it helps a bit. Just not a cost I want to have to deal with at this time of year!!
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