Over the Easter weekend we go camping (most years anyway). We go out to P's cousins property & camp in the bush. This was the first time for SJ & we weren't sure she'd like it. See the smile on her face? It was there for most of the time we were there! She loved it. Early on she asked where the sink & bath were (the toilet had to be hurriedly put together when she needed to go!) She ran around most of the weekend with no shoes, playing in the dirt. We had to soak her feet on the last morning. It looked like she had a huge splinter in her foot - but it was just a cut that was full of dirt. The only bandaids we had wouldn't stick (I'd already proved that after I'd burnt my hand the day before), so she got her foot bandaged - she then ran around with 1 gumboot & 1 sneaker until I took her home.
E & M love it too. The biggest attraction is the quadrunner. Fortunately they aren't big enough to ride them by themselves. SJ sits up front with whoever is drivin

We saw a few really big butterflies. This one landed on the fridge in the back of the ute. The dogs probably kept most other wildlife away.
I like cooking over the campfire. I used to help Gramps with the wood BBQs whenever we went on picnics. We had chops one night, a roast the second night & I made stew for lunch on Sunday. It was the end of daylight savings, P hadn't changed his watch, so we had lunch really early! We'd been for a long ride on the quads beforehand. That's when I managed to grab the handle of the camp oven with my bare hand & yes it was hot (duh). Fortunately there was old tube of burn cream in our less than stocked first aidkit. The bandaids were hopeless though so I had to wrap my hand up in a bandage that made it look like I had burnt it really bad.
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