There are a lot of friendly Lorikeets that like to come & hang out in front of Mum & Dad's onsite caravan. The first time they came they didn't need any encouragement, and seemed to be cranky that there was nothing for them to eat! Now there is always some bread (yes I know not their usual diet) for them to share. ![Lorikeets]()
Lorikeets gathering outside the caravan. I think M actually took this one. Today I spent a while taking photos of them on P's camera. I got some good shots even with the not so ideal backgrounds. The sky has been grey all day, so any shots that included sky ended up very dark.
They come up pretty close to us, but fly away quickly if anyone gets too close. After a while some of them fly into the bottlebrush that is next to the caravan. It's flowers are pretty sparse though - it looks like a lot of lorikeets have been chewing on it. It was funny to watch the pidgeons & plovers too. The plovers acted all shy when there were only lorikeets around - sneaking up, darting away if it looked like a lorikeet was going to see them. It was a different story with the pidgeons though! The plovers were actively trying to get rid of the pidgeons whenever they tried to get the bread. The lorikeets didn't seem to notice the pidgeons though. And there were a few disagreements between the lorikeets on occasion too!! tag: everyday travel, birds
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