Happy New Year

We are on holidays in Narooma at the minute. It's on the South Coast & is a beautiful area.

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New Years Eve
We had a pretty quiet New Years Eve. Dinner outside, nice wine (& a particularly nice sweet cider from Orange) & family made for a lovely evening. After dinner we walked around to the wharf to watch the fireworks. E isn't particularly keen on fireworks so we didn't get too close! We all had glow sticks on as did many of the other people out & about.When we came back M decorated the front of the van with them (with assistance from me)

Not the best photo, but you get the idea! It looked pretty cool. The white lights underneath are solar powered star lights.
 Next up were sparklers - a whole lot of sparklers! Even SJ who is very cautious around fire & heat was right into it. If it got too hot she'd drop it on the grass. M stuck heaps in the pots at the front of the van & went along lighting them.

My camera didn't do a very good job of capturing the scene. I took some on Mum's camera too, but haven't downloaded those photos yet.

E concentrating hard on the sparkler.
We were in bed relatively early. P tells me there was some yahooing going on - I heard some fireworks at some stage then nothing, must have been tired!

New Years Day
Today was predicted to be a hot day & it was -- until after lunch when it cooled down dramatically! P & I headed to Moruya to the markets there. It was really hot there, so we got what we needed & left. On the way back we took a drive into some of the places not on the highway. Some very pretty bush through there. The others all went to the 'beach' (not the surf beach, more of a bay beach inside the breakwall). Lunch then rests all round pretty much filled in the rest of the day.


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