Fresh Start

Have decided my fresh start this year is to be more creative, to make an effort to do things I enjoy that are creative, rather than wait until I have time. I read a blog post at iHanna's Blog today talking about being creative each day. I always struggle with that kind of project, but another way she put it was doing 7 creative things a week. I think I can do that. Mostly I want to do my digital scrapbooking, & bookmaking (when I get a proper area set up), but some other things I've tried are below.

SJ loves to paint. But often it ends up being random & in the bin. So I've made a rule that she has to paint something I say first, then she can do whatever she likes. I'm no artist, so I use the Art Projects for Kids site for inspiration. It's a great site! We did the above one yesterday & it was harder than I thought. SJ did her own version! E did a pretty good copy actually.

I'd love to be better at drawing, but am not great on the realistic stuff. I bought a book recently about Zentangles & am loving learning the patterns. 

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