Let the Kitchen Renos begin!!
We've been talking about doing renovations in the kitchen for years. We had filled in part of the back verandah about 13 years ago - but the space wasn't practical for much & it ended up as a dumping zone mostly for my craft stuff.
It kinda kept getting put off -- until our stove caught fire last year. Fortunately the worst thing affected was the stove, but there was enough damage that we would have to replace cupboards etc. So the insurance company agreed to pay us the money so we could extend it as we had planned.
So this is the alcove that we put on years ago. Where the new plaster is on the wall - that's where a sliding door used to be. We had to take it out to fit what we wanted along that wall. The sink is going under the window. The opening on the left is where the sink is now. Originally, before the last reno, the archway was a window. Pete's dad helped us with that work & he built the shelf. He built it to last apparently - it took Pete quite a while to get it pulled off!! And this is the original kitchen. If you look closely you can see the smoke damage on the wall cupboards. We pulled the stove out as soon as we could & have been cooking with a stove top out of our caravan, a toaster oven, frypan & microwave.Most of the cupboards & appliances (we're getting a dishwasher YAY!) are here ready to go. We have to wait for a plumber though since we're moving the sink & having the dishwasher (YAY) installed.
Meanwhile we have moved most of our kitchen stuff to boxes & moved the least used out to the shed. SJ is having to learn to slow down in the house with all the boxes around, she's kicked her toes or fallen over an average of at least twice a day since Sat! Hopefully she makes it until the end of the reno with no serious injury!
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