A couple of finishes and a new start

Getting time to write has a been a bit tricky the last few weeks! Especially as there's so much stitching to do. I stitch most evenings, though usually most weeks there is one or two nights where I don't get to. My main finish in the last couple of weeks was The Cowboy Boots. It's for a present and not fully finished yet. I have a picture in my mind of how to do it thanks to watching a lot of flosstube lately! I don't have the supplies to do it though so it has to wait until I get to a place with the appropriate stores. I really like how it turned out. It was easy to stitch and I didn't really get bored of doing only one colour. Having other projects to do at the same time probably helped! Pattern from Instant Cross Stitch on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/218742612/cowboy-boots-counted-cross-stitch? Started June 2018 - Finished 14th September 218 My other finish was one I only started this week. I was watching Flannel Jammies Farm on Youtub...