
I've been away since Wednesday. First it was Armidale for work - we have workshops a couple of times a year & it was Armidale's turn. It was basically cold & wet both days.

Because I had to drive to Sydney today, I decided to stay last night in Tamworth. I'm glad I did - for some obscure reason I've been waking up at 5am. Very annoying - even this morning I was awake that early, but fortunately sort of went back to sleep. So by the time I drove the hour or so from Armidale to Tamworth yesterday I was pretty tired.

Mum & Dad brought E over to Tamworth today so we could drive to Sydney. We have a week of appointments (therapy & Dr's) at Royal Far West in Manly (more about that during the week). We had a pretty good trip, despite following a frustrating driver through Cessnock & having to hit the brakes because of an idiot overtaking on a corner.

We stopped a few times. First was lunch at Wingen

<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";source=s_q&amp;hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=wingen&amp;sll=-37.93647,144.977866&amp;sspn=0.159216,0.439453&amp;vpsrc=6&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;hq=&amp;hnear=Wingen+New+South+Wales&amp;ll=-31.892676,150.879808&amp;spn=2.740169,7.03125&amp;t=m&amp;z=7&amp;iwloc=lyrftr:m,1082563435369009632,-31.899712,150.99472&amp;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small>View Larger Map</small>

There's an antique shop on the side of the road with a tea room beside it. It's called 'Burning Mountain Ploughman's Inn' I found out to. They made E a chicken sandwich using Gluten Free bread which is her absolute favourite sandwich! Add a chocolate milkshake & she was very happy. I was talking to the lady as we left & she was saying she tries to have as much GF stuff as she can. As long as we're travelling Fri-Sun, this will be our new favourite spot to stop!!

Had to get fuel in Musellbrook then stopped in Cessnock - icecream for E, coffee & apple pie for me. Got to Sydney after 5. Not as tired as I thought! I'm actually enjoying some of the driving - though I wish the rain would go away when I do!!


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