It's been a while....

Seems that it's been a while since I posted - didn't realise how long until I just looked. I've started a Flosstube with my daughter since I stopped updating my blog. We talk about my cross stitch and her diamond painting! You can find us at jobee's journal In June, I started doing the 24 hour monthly challenges put out by Jen Lee (instagram handle quirksandstitches). There have been a couple of 24 hour stitching events and in June, Jen added an acrostic challenge for the month. The idea was to do something that related to the letters in TWENTY FOUR, for a certain amount of time or stitches. I liked the idea of tracking time rather than stitches - most of the other challenges have you count stitches which I just don't do! I chose to do 240 minutes on each project. I talked about these projects on our Flosstube, but I've worked on most of them since I did the 240 minutes on each of them. They are also documented on my instagram page - jobee's journal b...