
Showing posts from October, 2011


I've been away since Wednesday. First it was Armidale for work - we have workshops a couple of times a year & it was Armidale's turn. It was basically cold & wet both days. Because I had to drive to Sydney today, I decided to stay last night in Tamworth. I'm glad I did - for some obscure reason I've been waking up at 5am. Very annoying - even this morning I was awake that early, but fortunately sort of went back to sleep. So by the time I drove the hour or so from Armidale to Tamworth yesterday I was pretty tired. Mum & Dad brought E over to Tamworth today so we could drive to Sydney. We have a week of appointments (therapy & Dr's) at Royal Far West in Manly (more about that during the week). We had a pretty good trip, despite following a frustrating driver through Cessnock & having to hit the brakes because of an idiot overtaking on a corner. We stopped a few times. First was lunch at Wingen <iframe width="425" height="...

Kitchen Renos Part 3

We had the place where we got the kitchen from assemble the cupboards etc. So putting that all in was relatively easy. Not that I was there when it was done! It was basically all put in while I was at work! I took these pictures a week or so ago. So the sink was in, but the water wasn't on yet. The stove & cooktop were in & working. And already you could feel how much extra space there was. This is the wall where the old stove was - the wall cupboards have been put on since then Our flash stove which actually shows the temperature as it cools down. The space is where the dishwasher (YAY) goes! Over the long weekend, Mum, Dad, the kids & I went to Tamworth to spend a few days with my brother who came up from Sydney. It was kinda timely as we didn't have to worry about having no water in the sink etc (though that was fixed pretty quickly) Learning to use the stove is shall we say interesting!! It's touch & has programs that you have to r...